
JAGANNATH, the ultimate science, is an annual journal published on the occasion of Rath Yatra (Car or Chariot Festival). The journal is devoted exclusively to the science behind the culture & rituals of Lord Jagannath and Lord Jagannath Temple. It also covers the all sciences behind the Vedic cultures, Lord Vishnu & plants having medicinal, cultural and ecological values related to mythology. The language of the journal is English, Sanskrit, Hindi and Odia. The complete journal will be available only in the printed forms. The Journal accept research papers, short communication, review, book review, experiences, poems and related to traditional knowledge & therapeutic values. It also accepts the articles with the observation and experimental investigation of the biological activities of the materials from plants used in the traditional health-care systems which is related to mythology and Sanatana Dharma. As validation of traditional claims, it covers Ethno-biology, Ethno-medicine, Ethno-pharmacology & Ethno-pharmacognosy from the mythology. Publication will be devoid of any charges.

JAGANNATH invites original research and review manuscripts not submitted for publication elsewhere.  The articles may include an appropriate title, abstract, keywords, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, conclusions, references, and appropriate illustrations including tables, figures and supplementary information that will help a general reader.

Preparation of Manuscript

  1. Manuscript should be in MS Word format in single space (11 pt, Times New Roman font).
  2. All pages should be numbered consecutively.
  3. It should be short & informative (14 pt), typed in only first letter of the first word capital. Latin names are to be given in italics.
  4. Authors must provide 4 to 6 Keywords (9 pt).
  5. Names of authors to be typed in first letters capital separated by commas and ‘and’ before the last author (10 pt).
  6. Addresses of the institution (s) where the work was carried out including pin code (9 pt.)
  7. Author for correspondence should be indicated with an asterisk (11 pt).

References style

Review & Research Papers

Kumar S. (2021). The Science behind Rath Yatra. JAGANNATH. 1(1): 1-9.

Kumar S, Singh RK, Pradhan PK. (2021). Plants used in rituals of Lord Jagannath. JAGANNATH. 1(1): 10-14.


Pushpangadan P, Rajendraprasad M and Krishnan PN. (1998). Conserving the sacred for biodiversity management. Oxford & IBH Publication, New Delhi. pp 93.


Proceeding of Conference

Singh PK and Verma AK.  Traditional Knowledge of Northeast India, In: APRF sponsored National Seminar on Ethnobotany, 7-8th January, 2021. Ambika Prasad Research Foundation, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India


Submission of Article