About Us
| About Us
Ambika Prasad Research Foundation with its vision to research and development in the field of science, conservation, education and livelihood, is established in 2016 on the river bank of Mahanadi at Cuttack. The mission of APRF is to take a step towards the conservation and sustainability of environment. Our foundation is an active platform to create awareness about environment related issues. It is an opportunity to aware everyone to make constructive effort to save our environment and natural resources.
| Mission
The mission of APRF are follows:
• To promote the research in the field of Conservation of flora and fauna to save the world
• To educate the people for conserving the Biodiversity through documentation, research activities, online and print medias & awareness programmes
• To Promote Women Empowerment and enhance their role in conserving the biological resources.
• Work on the Sustainable livelihood of tribal and rural communities & enhance their health.
• To make urban areas green.
• Try to reduce the food problems among the poor communities throughout world
• Activities for providing better health and R&D work on medicinal plants for formulation of drugs
• Activities on water conservation, river ecology, wetlands, coastal ecology & climate changes
| Vission
The vissions of APRF are follows:
• To fill the research gap in the field of taxonomy and create professional taxonomist & field biologist.
• Inventorizing the population & conservation of threatened taxa.
• To establish the dynamics of ecological balance by determining the delicate relationship between flora & fauna.
• To study the dynamics of riverine ecosystem and document the breeding behavior and develop the conservation protocol for RET avifauna & other faunal and floral species.
• Conserve and restore wetlands & to map develop & integrated management strategies for the wetlands & backwater ecosystems.
• To develop conservation protocol for mega fauna through the food of prey & prey predator relationship.
• To study the visible threats and impacts of climate change on the beach ecology.
• Ensure water security, health security and quality of life through enriched environment.
• Screening & standardization of wild food plants for propagation as future horticulture plants with an aim to reduce malnutrition & food problems.
• To enhance food security by conservation, value addition and advanced research in wild tuber crops wild edible plant species.
• Documentation and restoration of traditional therapeutic systems.
• To find the gap and fight against antimicrobial resistance problems.
• Validation of tribal claims on medicinal plants and formulation of drugs against Anti-microbial resistance.